Sadness Is The World Disappearing

from your eyes

saying goodbye

I don’t want to be

part of your life

and you are left

with nothing

and you can’t see


you can’t feel


your heart

and your mind

have left you too

and you are

truly empty

your life useless

and lost

you wander

the world

a nobody

trudging on

a ghost no one

can see.

Swimming In Sorrow

hurts the heart

so much

it is so hard

to stay afloat

my head

goes under

and then

my body

too follows

there is nothing

I can do

about it

and the pain

now is

no longer


I lose


my mind

fades away

in the background

and it is red

the colour

of blood

and then

it turns black

as I die.


were all over

the place

in the sun

some were


so badly

and everyone

had madness

in their minds

we were such

a wild bunch

of humans



across the

red Earth

and slowly

we realised

that the planet

itself was mad

the dark universe

crazy as a loon

and we cried

before we died.

Happiness Is My Heart

blowing like the breeze

my body pulsating

in ecstasy

like the sunset

burning orange flames

in the sky

and in the darkness later

I am at such peace

the stars glowing silver

in the black vault

and I am floating

in the waters of joy

swimming in ripples

of magic I dive I rise

and I begin to fly so high

I meet the moon

and we say hello

and hug and kiss

and make love.

Unhappiness Is An Overflowing River

and the mind


the conversations

and the pain

is once more

in your heart

and the tears flow

and so vulnerable

you feel inside

a sea of sorrow

in which

you are drowning

and the oceans

carry the sadness

of everyone living

and life is 

this hurt mind

breaking into pieces

being pulled

with the current

of the water

in which all of us

finally float dead.

The Day Was Like The Sea

in which

we were swimming

and so happy

we greeted

each other

like brothers

and sisters

and hugged

and happiness

was like water

we were floating



in wonder at

the world

its sudden joy

its warm embrace

and how lucky

we were to

experience this

and our hearts

were so big

we could love

the whole universe

and everyone in it

right back.

I Am A Ghost

and wind blows

through me


in Bombay itself

I had become one

going through

its streets


and now I can

be anything

I want

and today in Kumily

the birds are chirping

and whistling like

they are really happy

and I love

the weather

and the light outside

and I am now

all those

birds cooing

and calling

and I soon find

I am in paradise


and beautiful

as thousands of me

are set free.

The Day Comes

and hugs me

and says it’s alright

I know how it is

but I have no peace

I have no happiness

I am drowning

in sorrow

and this world

of thorns

makes it

difficult to walk

my body is broken

and can’t

be put together

my mind shattered

like a stone

through a window

how am I living

I ask myself

and realise

that I must

have died

and this is

my ghost


The Decaying World

is painful to bear

life goes from

bad to worse

and madness

takes root

in the brain

the heart

is so heavy

with the weight

of the universe

its sadness

it’s a wonder

it still beats

but what use is it

when you are

lost in this grief


to the ground

and broken

you wail

O life you have

become so terrible

and the mind

you do not

have to ask


its cry rises

to the sky

and the cosmos

is pierced

and pierced


till it crumbles

and everything

is gone.