There Are Humans Who are Demons

and there is hatred

in them

which they spew

on others like venom

these serpents

will kill you

because of

your religion

for the language

you speak

or your caste

or race

and class

and you might

find yourself

being battered

by someone

you think

is your own brother

your own sister

and you will feel

such sadness

at this evil

you will weep

your sobs shaking

your broken body

being beaten

till you die.

There Are Children

so there is love

outside on the street

two mothers chat

as their little sons run

and a small girl calls out

to her sister

who shouts

Pravina Pravina

and I am so happy

to see and hear all this

I look up into

the green trees


and all the leaves

are singing

love love love.

The Sunlight Warms Our Neighbourhood

and I tell


that it was

late today

and he says yes

it took its time

and we laugh

and Noorja

is having breakfast

in her balcony

and we greet each other

and then she asks me

about my sister

who comes out

on the porch

and soon goes

to meet her

and the birds chirp

and the hawker

blows his horn

calling out

his wares

as I write this

and now

the quietness

fills my heart

with love.

The Sun Is My Brother

sitting with me here

on the porch

and the shade is my sister

sheltering me

all the time

and the Earth is my mother

feeding me freely

with love

and this Universe

is my father

I feel his frequency

and the wind blows

like a song

and the leaves of the trees

are the singers

and it is so beautiful

these small orange flowers

dancing on the forest floor

before me

and a yellow flower

and those red flowers hanging

and the roses behind me sway

and their red is so beautiful

this town becomes paradise

and when the birds chirp

the music inside my ears tingle

and just then the baby next door cries

father father she howls as she screeches

and then suddenly she goes silent

and I hear my heart’s calm connection

to the world its quietness its peace

it partakes freely like the air I breathe

and in a moment I get the whole thing

I am the heart of the cosmos its king

and I feel like I can do anything

and just at that moment

the crickets begin to sing

and happiness carries me on its wing

and with my laughter the whole world begins to ring.

And Sadness Is Old Streets

old homes

I remember


a time of happiness

that will never come back

and now all is unhappiness

drawing at the heart

a ship sinking

in the waters

and then my uncle

came to take me

from kindergarten

he my dad my mom

my sister and I were

going to visit a ship

and I remember him

and the day

iron alongside

the sea shimmering

and big brown pipes

and it is probably

my earliest memory

beyond this is darkness

and I think of water

as having given me

my mind in a way

it is only from here

that I remember

and kindergarten itself

St. Dominic Savio’s

small garden

was like paradise

to me

and I bloomed

like a flower

and now pain

is my lover

in her arms I cry

of times gone by.

My Father’s In the ICU

his blood sugar

is fluctuating

his sodium is low

he’s in the same hospital

he was a while ago

when he had Covid

and the doctor had said

that all his organs had

been damaged

and early this week

he was hospitalised

for fluctuating blood pressure

and then they got him home

and my father who can’t speak now

because of his tracheostomy

kept trying to say something

and the nurse and my sister

couldn’t understand

what he was trying to say

until finally the nurse got it

he was saying that he wanted to walk

but he had forgotten that he couldn’t

he had been in bed for more

than four months now

being fed through his stomach peg tube

and he had to be lifted up to sit

and they told him that he couldn’t walk

later he asked for water

and my sister had to tell him

that she couldn’t give him water either

because of his tracheostomy

it would go into his lungs

so she wetted his lips and tongue

with some water

and then he had cough

and the doctor said

he’ll have to get

his tracheostomy tube changed

so they went to the hospital again

to get it changed

and when they came back

the next day

my father’s blood sugar levels

were fluctuating and so they took

him to the hospital once more

and he’s battling for his life

and it is pitiful.

There Is Nothing To Breathe

air has perhaps gone

to some other planet

or the Earth itself has gone


leaving me hanging here

I don’t know where

and I can’t take it anymore

so my mind has shut down

and there is utter darkness

in which there is no me

something similar to

what took place

a long time ago

in my life

when I was a boy

waiting at the dentist’s clinic

with 5-6 teeth to be extracted

and when the doctor gave me

anaesthesia and asked me to

count to three

I think I managed one

and then slid down into the basin

next to me

going down its hole

and then I was flying

in the dentist’s chair

over my neighbourhood

over the buildings the gardens

the trees

and I was in high spirits

and everything was bright

and shiny

and I reached the building

where I lived and then

there was a complete blackout

so dark and deep

there was nothing

nothing at all

no me

not a shred of my life

and then I woke up later

very sleepy and slept

on the dentist’s couch

and my father and my sister

carried me out

and took me home

in a taxi

and then once again I slept

till late in the night

and woke up

to eat ice cream

I remember

but that dark earlier

and the nothingness

following that

seemed like what

death would be like

and today I feel

the same way

and so I say

once again I die

like I did that day

and once again I will live

like I did that day.

The Body Is Like A Tired Cat

crumpled in the corner

the mind is all slit eyes

and the green and

golden world

is relaxing

remembering so many

days gone past

so many people

who walked the Earth

as it blinks and blinks again

and I met my ailing father

and stayed with him

and my sister

for a few days

he cannot speak now

he is bed ridden

and has a tube in his throat

and another in his stomach

through which he is fed

but he was very happy

to see me

all those days

and we kissed each other

when I left

and I felt he was like a boy


and now I know

how weak you become

with illness and age

after seeing my mother die

and now my father

in this condition

and he has pain

swallowing his own saliva

and I know the sadness

he feels over the whole thing

I saw the tears in his eyes

and him wiping them

and tears welled up in mine too

and he took my hand and put

it on his chest and patted it

and I remembered the old days

when I was small

and sometimes slept next to him

and then he felt

so much love for me

he did the same thing

he took my hand and putting it

on his chest patted it

and I remember

his masculine smell

which I loved

and was not there now

perhaps because

he couldn’t bathe as before

and the nurse

was getting ready

with the warm water

to give him a sponge bath

and I told my father we’ll meet

again soon and he nodded

his head and we shook hands

and surprisingly there was still strength

in his grip and I left for home

and now here in Kumily

as I write this I think of him

and the leaves outside sway gently

in the breeze

and the birds chirp

and say don’t worry

he’ll be alright again

and hope blooms

like a flower in my heart

and I smell

its life giving fragrance

and lift my eyes to the light

in the sky.

I Cancel Every Thought

before I begin on a clean slate

and I realise that I have to keep

cleaning it simply because this thought

is so persistent it tears open my mind

and appears before me I spoke to my father

on the phone today before his tracheostomy

he won’t be able to speak again

the doctor said and I wished him

good luck and he said thank you

and his voice was already low and scarred

because of his damaged larynx

but it was still clearly my dear father’s

and I said that I would come and stay with him

when he was discharged from hospital

and he said okay and then I spoke to my sister

there is so much suffering in old age

I saw my mother’s agony some months ago

before she died suddenly

and now my father’s trauma it is very painful

and my sister said that there will be pain

after the operation death seems like such

a gruesome thing I mean before it happens

how it tortures its victim and I have only tears

and we are just blips on the screen of time

us humans and so love is the most important thing.

It Was So Windy

and cold yesterday

here in Kumily

I wore my blue woollen cap

and slept in the afternoon

and when I woke up

there was my father’s illness

and mine I was thinking about

as the dry leaves swirled

in my property

and I thought about

my times with my father

and the rest of the family

taxi rides in Bombay

the billboards

and I would go with him

to the market

to the bank

and now in the hospital

he is once again

breathing through his mouth

and tears come to my eyes

and in my childhood

he took us to restaurants

and there are so many things

I remember

and this distinct memory

of us at the Nehru Planetarium

and the show dazzled me

all those stars in the sky

and he would set his hair

and tie it with a handkerchief

especially after a haircut

and now there is his recurring

respiratory problem

his lungs his kidney too

have been affected

and he’s been in the hospital

for so long

and is being fed through a tube

through his stomach

and my sister says

he has lost weight

and there’s some

new problem

every other day

and when we were kids

I would say his head

looked like a piece of beef

that he liked so much

and soon the doctor

will do a third bronchoscopy

on him tomorrow

or the day after

to see if he needs a tracheostomy

and as tears fill my eyes

I remember this

beautiful afternoon

in Dadar

and my father my mother

my sister and me are boarding

this red BEST bus

on our way to Ghatkopar

and the sun shines

and now as my heart beats

I think of my sister

how exhausted she is

and how much

my father is suffering

and I realise

that life can be

really hard

really painful

squeezing my father’s neck

in its big hands

and I think of my father’s face

and I close my eyes.