So Much Persistence

you need to live

life is not a bed

of roses


told me once

and now I know

it is a bed of thorns

and you are nothing

more than an animal

or a ghost

you simply do not matter

and then nothing makes sense

you find

when the puzzle slowly solves

itself in your mind

and you look at death

in the face

and laugh in transcending


filling up this universe.

My Mind Is Being Bombarded

with thoughts

like bombs dropping

from a plane

and I flinch

from the noise

inside my head

the screaming

the dying children

make me burn

and turn ashen

like a ghost

and now I run

as fast as I can

as the explosions


till I am hit

so many times

I fall

on the ground

and die.

To Be Sexually Abused

by your older sister

is to feel your penis

and testicles rot

and fall off

to be sexually abused

by your older sister

is to lose the air

in your lungs

and gasp for breath

stumbling and falling

and fighting for life

to be sexually abused

by your older sister

is to sense

the ground give way

and sink into darkness

so absolute

your mind shatters

turning you into

a ghost desperately

attempting to disappear

from this world

to be sexually abused

by your older sister

is like getting nuked

nothing remains

just these sad words

trying to reach you.

My Mind Has Been Fried

it has been tightened

like a screw

it has been bullied

it has been shamed

for no reason

it has been made

to weep

and I am so lost

I simply cannot

find myself


I think I am


at the bottom

of the Earth

which I won’t

be able

to reach ever

and I feel

like a ghost


with nowhere

to go

till the end

of time.

Broken Hearted

I feel fangs

tearing me

from inside

I have been

dead for long

and I am just

my ghost

that escaped


but then

there are demons

still chasing me

and today

they have got

into me

and although

I’m a wraith

I feel pain

and that of

so many  others

so terribly sad

I howl

in wild sorrow

and my wail

echoes all over

the universe

burning into ash.

I Can Taste The Bitterness Of The Day

in my mouth

and I am soon sad

and broken hearted

I feel like

I have been poisoned

and dangerous toxins

have entered my blood

and are flowing through

my veins

and I fall on the ground

and cry at the horror

that life is

and the sky burns

and drops down in ashes

over the planet

leaving everyone dead

and the universe

disappears like a ghost.