Across The Wet Road

in the rain soaked

green grass

two cows play

with each other

one brown

one black


a big grasshopper

came and sat

next to me

on the terrace

staring closely

like it wanted

to say something

and at night

when I went

to bed

the moon entered

my room

like a mother

and kissed me

to sleep.

So Much Persistence

you need to live

life is not a bed

of roses


told me once

and now I know

it is a bed of thorns

and you are nothing

more than an animal

or a ghost

you simply do not matter

and then nothing makes sense

you find

when the puzzle slowly solves

itself in your mind

and you look at death

in the face

and laugh in transcending


filling up this universe.

I Am Thrown

like a bomb

and I can explode

or I might

fail to go off

I am someone

that exists

and I am

also dead

I sleep

in my bed

though my ghost

walks the streets

at night

life is like that

you never know

the complete truth

you look for words

that soothe

we are such

pitiful creatures

and our situation

is really bad

and that’s why

we’re so sad.