There Are Humans Who are Demons

and there is hatred

in them

which they spew

on others like venom

these serpents

will kill you

because of

your religion

for the language

you speak

or your caste

or race

and class

and you might

find yourself

being battered

by someone

you think

is your own brother

your own sister

and you will feel

such sadness

at this evil

you will weep

your sobs shaking

your broken body

being beaten

till you die.

The Light In The Sky

comes in through

the leaves of my

guava and clove trees

through my window frame

with the mosquito net

and bathes me

in its warmth

now happiness

is mine

and as I stare

at the silver glow

in the vault up high

it turns golden

and it is shining

on everyone

and everything

telling us that

we are beyond

life and death

beyond race and country

beyond religion

and gender and class

and perhaps billions

of other differences

and as I look out

my window again

I see the next door baby’s

small and sleeveless

yellow top

hung out to dry

and it looks

so cute and happy


and swaying

at everything.