There Are Humans Who are Demons

and there is hatred

in them

which they spew

on others like venom

these serpents

will kill you

because of

your religion

for the language

you speak

or your caste

or race

and class

and you might

find yourself

being battered

by someone

you think

is your own brother

your own sister

and you will feel

such sadness

at this evil

you will weep

your sobs shaking

your broken body

being beaten

till you die.

It Is So Good To Be Lost

to be inside

the space of silence

and not hear anything

and not know anything

even your own presence

this is absence

this is the meaning

of freedom

this is the greatest gift

of being alive

this has no form

no colour

no nationality

no religion

no caste

no social class

no gender

no sexuality

it is free

and its power

is as long

as the universe lasts

nothing stands

in its way

it stands alone

its emptiness

its might

its deep capacity

to delight

in such a quiet way

its strength is oblivion

and if you believe in this

then you will not fear dying

because you know

how great it feels

not to be there

now that you’ve

got a taste of it

and how its peace

goes far across the limits

of this world

you know that

in your death

in a way

it remains your breath

beyond this life

and this makes you rejoice

you carry the torch

of existence and run

shouting to everyone

come join in the fun.