We Are Not Our Bodies Alone

our feelings fill up the universe

and our thoughts tumble

all over the cosmos like babies

so we are the rain falling

from the sky

which are also children

floating like angels

and we are birds flying

we are the stars shining

the moon hiding from ourselves

we are so strange

we are animals running around


then soon we become flowers

and lovers in a park

and a kiss no one would miss.

The Universe Hugs Me

like a mother when I wake

the mountains are like

my babies

gurgling in the sun

and little children flit

about like butterflies

the sky sings

and everyone is

so happy

we all dance

and birds hover

over us


flapping their wings

and we fly

and the trees

call our names

and sway

and we are now

so beautiful

we fall like rain.

The Children Are Crying

they know their world is gone

they are not fools

although they are young

and small

they feel pain too

and the babies next door

seem to have lost their hearts

their universe

and they howl at the loss

and it is heartbreaking to hear

their wailing so painful

as though they would die

and you understand

that we were born to suffer

and see our lives snuffed out

and our cosmos disappear.

My Neighbour Srinivasan

is widening the road to his house

workers shovel mud off

the embankment

and the babies next door

are crying aloud

and then go silent

and the birds chirp

so sweetly

and now one baby howls

and then begins talking

to a lady

and I can hear an autorickshaw

in the distance

and then it goes silent

and the neighbourhood

is blasted with golden sunlight

and the leaves of my clove tree

are so still they mesmerise me

with their green their beauty their shape

against my neighbour’s house and the sky

and the baby and the lady

pick up their conversation again

and soon the other baby joins in

and vaaaa vaaaa vaaaa vaaa they go

as the ladies laugh and the world lightens

to a leaf and I feel like the wind blowing.

Illness Is Pain

and discomfort

and danger

the body gone bad

the mind too

and there is no change

in the outside world

golden sunlight shines

on the forests and mountains

and you know for sure

you are sick and soon

you will die

and you admire the world

for its seeming timelessness

you know how bigger

than you it is

and then birds chirp

and babies are born


and you greet

your neighbours’ kids

as you pass by

and then you think

of your ailments

and you know

you are fading

like a photograph

you are nearing

your end

and then in some more time

you will also fade

from the memories

of the people who knew you

and I look outside my window

and see how the leaves

of my clove trees

are still

like they could listen

to what I was thinking

and the blue sky beyond

bright as ever

bye bye bye bye

I say to it

I have no regrets

and like a butterfly I will flit

from life to death

where formlessly I will sit

forever like a vanished zit.