So Much Persistence

you need to live

life is not a bed

of roses


told me once

and now I know

it is a bed of thorns

and you are nothing

more than an animal

or a ghost

you simply do not matter

and then nothing makes sense

you find

when the puzzle slowly solves

itself in your mind

and you look at death

in the face

and laugh in transcending


filling up this universe.

I Was Crawling

on my hands and legs

I had become an animal

and there were

microscopic creatures

living on me

and I knew the universe

was evil

its devious ways

breaking my body

and mind

making me a beast

and the heat finally

finished me

the burning sky

blinding me

and with

my white eyes open

I died.


can kick your heart

and mind hard

you are as scattered

as stars

and you are burning

on a stove like eggs

we are the puzzle

of puzzles

I wonder

if we can understand


what makes us

so multifarious

I only know

I am drawn

like an animal

on a leash

and there are

opposites of me

I try to fit together

in these words

I try to bring

my scrambled thoughts

in one place

to see if I can see my face

and also if I could

piece myself altogether

if I could put it all in a way

that I am in perspective

and could look into a mirror

and see everything.